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Este mes Masaje Clásico For only
$120.000 COP

Relaxation Massage

This massage has a deep relaxation effect and can be performed with gentle and superficial maneuvers or energetic and invigorating ones, depending on the desired goals. It induces a significant sense of well-being and relief.


  • Reduces stress and combats symptoms of anxiety.
  • Decreases pain and inflammation of tissues.
  • Improves circulation, energy, and strengthens the immune system.
  • Promotes blood and lymphatic circulation.
30 min
60 min
90 min
Sensory Massage

It is applied through smooth and harmonious movements, avoiding abrupt changes in rhythm and loss of contact. Performed in a peaceful and comfortable environment, this massage is designed to explore the senses, find harmony and balance, providing a pleasurable experience of body relaxation.


  • Promotes self-awareness.
  • Empowers.
  • Increases levels of essential hormones.
30 min
60 min
90 min

Our exfoliating and toning skin treatment is performed through gentle rubs all over the body, helping rejuvenate the skin by removing dead cells and impurities.

The experience begins with a relaxing massage, followed by a steam treatment on the body to facilitate the elimination of toxins and prepare the skin. It ends with the application of cold, contributing to a state of relaxation.


  • Contributes to proper blood circulation.
  • Improves the natural and uniform tone of the skin.
  • Stimulates the metabolic system.
90 min
Sports Massage

This technique achieves relaxation of muscle contractions, alleviates chronic muscle tension throughout the body, sensitizes the nervous system, and improves muscle elasticity.


  • Prepares the tissues for athletic effort, keeping them in an optimal state.
  • Prevents injuries in both training and competition.
  • Aids in the recovery of injuries and the physical fitness of the athlete.
30 min
60 min
90 min
Percussion Massage

Our percussion massage gun therapy is the best option for reducing the perception of pain, muscle tension, and fatigue.


  • Improves circulation, alleviating the sensation of tired legs.
  • Increases joint range for workouts and alleviates the sensation of fatigue.
  • Facilitates the drainage of legs and arms, as well as the cervical and shoulder load due to poor posture.
60 min
Hot Stone Massage

It is an energizing and healing therapy that calms the mind and reduces tension. Volcanic stones are heated to comfortable temperatures, providing a deep sense of relaxation and making the muscles more flexible and receptive to the applied maneuvers.


  • Combats pain.
  • Helps relax the muscles, releasing stress.
  • Eliminates toxins and improves blood circulation.
  • Balances energies and helps regulate sleep cycles.
60 min
Four-Handed Massage

This massage, known as 'the massage of all massages,' is designed for those seeking a complete experience. Two expert therapists work simultaneously, applying the most relaxing maneuvers with four skilled hands, eliminating tensions and discomfort.

30 min
60 min
90 min
Facial Cleansing

Improves the health and appearance of facial skin, ideal for maintaining a healthy and vibrant complexion.


  • Delays facial aging.
  • Regenerates, revitalizes, and hydrates the skin, eliminating impurities and dead cells.
  • Provides luminosity and radiance.
  • Improves and unifies different skin pigmentations.
60 min
Special Package

For those who want a complete experience, we offer a package that includes:

Relaxation Massage (45 min)
Reflexology (15 min)
Express Facial Cleansing (30 min), which includes facial cleansing, exfoliation, and hydration.

90 min
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